neděle 23. ledna 2011

Calf implants

Calf implants - very popular women surgery

Using modern silicone gel implant as well as a breast implant created a so-called calf implants, which are to shape the calf muscles. This procedure isn´t such popularity for men as in women who undergo it several times per year. 
Below full anesthesia is performed about five inches long cut in the back knees, where is silicone gel implant inserted under the muscle and form a bigger volume and strenght. That's why implants are inserted between the muscles, to weren´t bulging and tangible. So nobody knows that there are!

And how does it look? 

exclusively in Czech Republic MD. Patrik Paulis

CZ +420 734 578 800  EN +420 734 578 801  
DE +420 734 578 802, +420 734 578 803

středa 19. ledna 2011

Breast Augmentation - Up to date

Although efforts to increase the volume of female breasts is very old, and silicone implants safe and improvement of surgical techniques has led to a massive increase in this operation. So we asked, MD. Patrik Paulis, Prague's renowned plastic surgeon, breast augmentation and make us all about it professionally approached.

What progress notes the market for implants?
With improved production technology and new materials enable a new generation of implants left in place almost indefinitely. In particular, it has the effect of Multi-tight silicon skin and the use of so-called cohesive silicone gel to prevent the penetration of silicone in the body. So far, it was so, it was necessary for about 10 years old implants replaced because of the material. So we can say that this is a huge step forward.

The development was seen not only in technology but also in shapes of implants, is not it?
Yes, thanks to the anatomical studies we are approaching the absolute nature. Using the so-called traditional round implants today is not nearly as broad indications and the so-called anatomical implants, which are not already indicated in reconstructive surgery, but also indications of aesthetic surgery, is now a new type of "asymmetric implants. This type of implant is anatomically closest real mammary gland. Right and left implant shape is unmistakable, and aesthetic outcome of the operation with this type of implant is in good indication of the wood.

The underlying anatomy of the fact that the female breast is actually in the middle axis line passing through the peak of her breasts - nipples - and vice versa asymmetric breasts are symmetrical axis of the sternum. 

Why avoid the round implants?
Using a round implant is a modern plastic surgery is increasingly marginal. Supporters of so-called old school, although it still used, but the world is moving away from its obvious use. Especially with regard to its "universality"! The female breast is the hemisphere, and so this type of implant that can be used, although both the muscle and under the breast gland, only larger, but in any case not improve their form.Generally, the rounded breast implants to enlarge, but using a different type of implant would be the result is beautiful.

What types of implants have and what are their differences? 

Circular implant - use a larger volume may be that when placed under the gland (ie, the implant is covered only by a gland located on the large pectoral muscle), its upper edge palpable in the worst case even visible. Therefore, the implant should be stowed under the pectoralis major, so that it mostly covers and fixed.
Thus, while the implant is placed palpable breast can be standing up to look very pretty, but the mammary glands are firm on palpation may seem unnatural. In addition, the implant using a larger volume is often apparent in the revelation of "crowded" neck and lying, this type of unnatural implants alone. And we must not forget medically unfit very large disconnect pectoral muscle, which is still frequently used and yet leads to irreversible damage to the major pectoral muscle.

Arguments against the imposition of an implant under the muscle are just the facts, as well as anatomical fact that the imposition of de facto under the muscle increasing the volume of the chest, not the volume of your own breast. However, a round implant has its indications, but in modern surgical indications are far more limited than in the past.

When using anatomical , or very close "teardrop" implant, the method of choice today is storage technology under the muscle using the "dual plane", which not only reduce the possibility of vyhmátnutí, possibly visibility of cleavage, but at the same time maintaining its anatomical shape and improve the drop Breast, that would require a different method and one of the modeling techniques. Like a round implant is its disadvantage relative immobility of the chest and not entirely natural shape lying. The machine is contrary to the round implant much more natural. 

Asymmetric implants - for use of these implants in particular speaks a completely natural final shape of the chest while standing or lying, but here it is necessary to correct the indication. These implants are placed exclusively under the gland and its shape are suitable for use even mild ptosis (drooping). Restricting the rights of their original breast size, which must completely cover the implant and the breast can often increase the volume of such, what would the client wanted. The implant is fitted over the gland and muscle incision on the edge of the lower half of the villages so that the scar is virtually invisible for several weeks. The use of these implants is the longest operating surgeon technique in terms of length, but the resulting shape is as natural as standing, lying in the bent.

From this it is clear that proper choice of implant shape, size, storage and surgical approach, there are things every woman for quite specific. There is no one universal best type of implant, as there is only one possibility to solve the aesthetic problem.

Finally, it should be noted that plastic surgery requires a strictly individual approach to a client, and the only quarantee their complete satisfaction with the oucome of surgery.

interview with MD. Patrik Paulis for Luxury Guide CZ

MD. Patrik Paulis 

CZ +420 734 578 800  EN +420 734 578 801
DE +420 734 578 802, +420 734 578 803

Exclusive - Abdominoplasty - tummy

For women after childbirth and for people after large weight loss is a popular choice Abdopminoplasty. This procedure is proud removal stretched skin, which is usually the biggest nightmare of all mothers. And that body was perfect as before, we combine surgery with liposuction, which sucks the fat from surrounding problem areas. But even a large weight loss and not very appetizing appearance can often induce the removal of excess skin. And they offer a special technique Abdominoplasty that scar, which emerged after the surgery, they move below the laundry!However, it is undergoing any operation under anesthesia, for many men, still a very big barrier.After all, we prefer the less invasive (most humane) method with fast recovery time. There will be a long way to go before we learn to endure pain at the expense of beauty as a woman.

Efforts to minimize operational risk, but if it is possible to minimize the number of operations required to achieve a favorable esthetic result, leading to a combination of surgical techniques. Many require a tummy tuck, especially with larger bellies and maybe after a few deliveries, operating a second time, coupled with additional liposuction (liposuction), correction or long scars. 

Technology BSAL(Brasiliano safe Abdominoplasty with Lipoaspiration) so-called "safe abdominoplatiky with Brazilian lipoaspiration" allows one time to perform a functional operation, sewing the abdominal muscle separation (which occurs after birth) is often also associated with a hernia, but also suck the fat and shortening scars on the abdomen and minimize potential risk of local complications.  

And again for the maximum safety and aesthetic effect of her use of the harmonic scalpel.

exclusively in Czech Republic MD. Patrik Paulis

MD. Patrik Paulis 
CZ +420 734 578 800  EN +420 734 578 801  
DE +420 734 578 802, +420 734 578 803 

Combi lipo - combined liposuction

This is a mini-invasive liposuction under local anesthesia on the basis of a unique combination modern equipment : Body-Jet , Smart-Lipo and LPG .

Appliance Body-Jet water jet action of a local anesthetic painlessly and gently withdrawing the fat from problem areas and then using a laser beam device Smart-Lipo turn off the skin . A unique combination of these two devices, multiplying the effects of liposuction and fat cells are removed from the body and the most considerate of all time. After several days of convalescence after surgery to specify the technique of LPG and we can do surgery to absolute perfection. LPG accelerate the healing process, closes the skin, smoothing scars, and this process also helps to kick Lymphatic and therefore is good to fight cellulite.

Combi lipo
- An appropriate procedure to remove fat in the not too suitable parts such as hips, buttocks, knees, inner thighs, arms, etc.

- Procedure takes more than an hour under local anesthesia and is quite mini-invasive (patient)

- Treatment is suitable for both women and men

Endotine TransBleph Browlift - exclusive

What is the TransBleph Direct Brow Lift Procedure?

The TransBleph procedure is a revolutionary new approach to upper eyelid rejuvenation that is simple, quick and highly effective. It enables your physician to simultaneously elevate and shape your eye brow (brow lift) and, if necessary, remove excess eyelid tissue (blepharoplasty) through a single small incision hidden in a fold of your eyelid skin.

What is Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation?
As the upper face ages, the brow often begins to droop. When this occurs, excess eyelid tissue gathers in folds above the lid, creating a tired, worn-down effect.  A blepharoplasty removes excess skin, but does not correct the sagging brow.  The TransBleph procedure can combine a blepharoplasty with a browlift for a more complete upper eyelid rejuvenation - unwanted tissue is removed and brow elevation is restored creating a more youthful, relaxed and refreshed appearance.

Am I a TransBleph Candidate?
If you are undergoing upper eyelid surgery for cosmetic or optical reasons and would like the refreshed appearance of a brow lift without a second set of incisions, then a TransBleph procedure may be for you. To get a glimpse of the potential results, you can try a simple test on your own. Place your fingertips at the outer one-third of your eyebrows and gently raise the skin upwards. This will give you a good indication of what the procedure might do for your appearance. Even if you don’t need upper eyelid surgery but do want the refreshed appearance of a subtle brow lift, then the TransBleph procedure is still an option. Of course, the best way to determine if TransBleph is right for you is by a thorough consultation with your cosmetic surgeon.

How is a TransBleph performed?
The transbleph procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can be completed in sixty minutes or less. Beginning with the blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision in the crease of your upper lid and removes excess fat, skin and sometimes muscle. The surgeon will then release and lift the brow, securing it to the bonewith the use of a new, absorbable implant called the ENDOTINE TransBleph fixation device.

The Endotine provides reliable, predictable fixation until healing is complete, and then it is absorbed naturally by the body. The surgeon will then   close the incision using very fine sutures.

What Can I Expect After Surgery?
Immediately after surgery, you will experience some temporary swelling and bruising in your brow area, which may take several weeks to completely resolve. The first night, it’s important to rest with your head elevated to decrease swelling and bruising. You can use a cold compress for comfort and to help control swelling. Additionally, pain medication may be prescribed for post-operative pain. If you’re like most direct brow lift patients, you’ll be very pleased with your refreshed appearance. Although it may take several weeks or months to see the final results, you’ll probably agree that your new look was worth the

The length of time your brow lift lasts will vary. A number of factors, including heredity and lifestyle, all play a role in your long-term results. Although you will appear younger, remember that you are still continuing to age. In the future, you may also want to make additional surgical improvements.

What Are the Surgical Risks?
Each year, thousands of men and women who undergo blepharoplasties and brow lift procedures experience no complications. Although problems are rare, and usually minor,
it’s best to discuss possible complications with your surgeon. And, remember that you can help minimize risks by following the advice and instructions you received from your health care professional, both before and after surgery.

exclusively in Czech Republic MD. Patrik Paulis

CZ +420 734 578 800  EN +420 734 578 801
DE +420 734 578 802, +420 734 578 803  

Silhouette lift

Rediscover the original youthfulness of your face

This technique is suitable for both men and women who want to achieve a subtle younger-looking appearance without the constraint of undergoing a traditional facelift. The procedure, which lasts only 45 minutes, is performed under local anaesthetic by a certified Silhouette-Lift surgeon or doctor.

You leave the same day with a younger-looking face and can resume your normal activities and social life within 2/3 days.

Silhouette-Lift is ideal for correcting signs of aging in the nasolabial folds, expression lines, the jowls and the neck.
Silhouette-Lift offers a gentle solution with fast natural-looking results !

* Local anaesthetic
* Micro-incision : insertion of threads
* Anchoring of absorbable micro-cones deep
within the facial tissues
* Attachment and fastening the suspension threads
* Closure of the incision
* 45 minutes procedure
* Local anaesthetic
* 2/3 days recovery time
* Natural long-lasting results

(*) Silhouette-Lift sutures are made of polypropylene, a material biocompatible with the human body which has been used for many years in cardiovascular and ophthalmic surgery. The cone-shaped Silhouette-Lift threads have been cleared by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for the market use in the United States of America and are CE marked in European Union. In addition to use it in cosmetic, Silhouette-Lift sutures are used clinically by surgeons within major hospitals through out Europe and United States of America.

Exclusively in Czech Republic MD. Patrik Paulis

CZ +420 734 578 800  EN +420 734 578 801
DE +420 734 578 802, +420 734 578 803     

úterý 18. ledna 2011

Miracle of Aesthetic Medicine

MD. Patrik Paulis applying botox
The world is divided into two camps, Botox opponents screaming that it is a poison which is harmful to health. Supporters of the beauty see it as a magic medicine helping to rejuvenate and smooth their wrinkles. But what says Prague‘s bestknown
plastic surgeon, Dr. Patrik Paulis about it? „Botox is one of the safest medicines around
today. With minimal pain and rapid convalescence we get a very good result for a relatively long period with minimal side effects.“

Doctor, was Botox always used for smoothing wrinkles?
No, for these aesthetic purposes it’s been used for about 10 years! Earlier, in the 70s‘ it was used for example in neurology for treatments of diseases that cause spasmsor permanent contraction of certain muscles (e.g. Corticolis), so the primary purpose was CLEARLY therapeutic. In time, for its effects it began to be used for aesthetic purposes.

„Miraculous“ injection - BOTOX
This method is ideal for removal of facial wrinkles known as mimic (surface) wrinkles, located on the forehead, deep wrinkles between the eyebrows and wrinkles around the eye corners. Using a very thin syringe, botulinum toxin is injected into facial muscles, wrinkles and so muscles are relaxed and wrinkles subsequently reduced and the skin stretched. The procedure prevents further shrinking of the skin and thus prevents the deepening of wrinkles and also their creation. Nowadays it is common to apply it also to the area of neck and décolletage. In this case, the application of Botox should be entrusted only to doctors. Application is ambulatory, painless and time-saving, so you can undergo it at any time.

How long does BTX work?
It‘s very individual, but the effects of Botox for wrinkle removal last about 6 months. But it can be applied repeatedly, and safely. When you have the proper professional care, it is the safest form how to have a more youthful and fresh look, without having to use a scalpel. Removing increased perspiration (hyperhidrosis) with Botox The today’s trend is the application of Botox in the armpit, preventing perspiration for some time. People suffering from increased perspiration have the opportunity to come and have Botox applied to the armpit which stops the perspiration for a limited period of time. Several doses of botulinum toxin are injected directly into sweat glands with a small syringe which causes the reduction of the gland’s production. People welcome this possibility especially in the summer period. It doesn’t have a permanent effect and the application of BTX doesn’t reduce perspiration over the body in any way. It takes effect only where it is applied (typically armpits, hands and feet), but the effect persists in the treated area for 8-12 months.

Do we have another opportunity of rejuvenation?

Of course, we decide for botulinum toxin when wrinkles start to become permanent, but at the stage when they are not too deep yet. Otherwise Botox is not enough and we move to filling with hyaluronic acid (a component of previously used collagen) or the method of lipofilling which uses your own fat as the filler. And then of course the various modern methods of face lifting, but that’s for the next time. No matter how old men or women are, what is important is the skin quality and depending on that we choose the right procedure fighting against wrinkles. All interventions must be gentle, natural for its surroundings. So, using these methods, the client does not lose their facial expression!

MD. Patrik Paulis
CZ +420 734 578 800 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +420 734 578 800      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  EN +420 734 578 801 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +420 734 578 801      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
DE +420 734 578 802 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +420 734 578 802      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, +420 734 578 803 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +420 734 578 803      end_of_the_skype_highlighting      

publised in magazine Royal Report

A SAGGING FACE - Exclusive in Prague

The face-lift as we know it is dead! It’s now been completely overtaken by modern methods like the minimally invasive Silhouette-Lift and the so-called MACS Lift, which leave no scars at the hairline. These modern methods are recommended for their high effectiveness and aesthetic quality.

Silhouette Lift for Women Between 30 and 40
In the past, women between the ages of thirty and forty who were beginning to see the effects of aging had no alternatives for their remedy. They were and are too young for a classic facelift, and the use of the various stopgap methods weren’t particularly effective. 

The unique alternative now available to these women is the minimally-invasive Silhouette-Lift, whose guaranteed special fixation method ensures better and longer lasting results. The procedure involves separation of the facial skin without major cutting with the help of a special suture together with the so-called ‘endotine browlift’ (raising the eyelids and brows). It effectively replaces the classic facelift!

Endotine browlift Transbleph
The silhouette lift and also the Endotine browlift Transbleph Transbleph are considered minimally-invasive procedures and are very popular due to the brevity of the procedure (45 minutes), the use of local anaesthetic and the short recuperation period (a patient with a procedure on Friday can go to work Monday morning). The silhouette lift and endotine browlift procedures are carried out exclusively in the Czech Republic by MUDr.Patrik Paulis.

MACS for Women over 40
Trying to keep a youthful appearance is one of humanity’s oldest desires. The complications associated with attempts interfere with Nature, however, were resulting visible scarring and the difficulties of restoring youth to the throat.

‘Classic’ facelifts deal with the problem of scars by putting them behind the ears, often making it impossible for women to wear their hair short. In men, scars often made the procedure impractical. The new MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) facelift technique effectively resolves these problems. The use of a technique called ‘short scar rhytidectomy’ completely jettisons scars behind the ears and pulling facial skin to the sides.

Just the opposite, the technique wholly naturally reverses time by pulling not just the skin but also the underlying structures up instead. The technique is nearly always accompanied by procedures on the lower (but also even upper) eyelids, liposuction of double chins and a firming of the neck musculature called ‘platysmaplasty’ combined with a general necklift. Tissue removed is generally used for filling in wrinkles or filling out lips. Sometimes the procedure is completed with a browlift. 

exclusively MD. Patrik Paulis 
CZ +420 734 578 800  EN +420 734 578 810 
DE +420 734 578 803